
I went in to get dye for a little (probably big) project for Mars and decided to look in the bead section. I got pinged hard for two very specific strings (someone’s REALLY INTENSE about blood red, if it’s spangly or has orange highlights at all he’s like nah don’t even bother that’s silly) and grumbled a bit that they weren’t really factored into my budget.

I get up to the register, hand the clerk my purchase and a store coupon, and he goes “I’ll do you one better” and stacks on other coupons from a little booklet at his register, knocking the cost down to exactly what I was looking for.

Fine. Thank you for staying on budget with your tastes.

I can’t put this under a readmore because I’m on mobile but tw: menstruation below.

I think it’s interesting that he’s been fairly specific about not wanting anything from the ol’ monthly blood festival, but I’ve been tending to the rest of the staff’s needs two days in a row now. The last one told me the head manager said “I don’t know why, but I’m positive she has one”.

Two’s a coincidence, but if I get asked again I’m gonna have to find out if that’s him or my wife’s Ladies.

I am beginning to suspect the answer is that the two (or more, the Morrigan is a confusing situation) are conspiring to turn @sparklespirits and I into goth kids.


Back into goth kids.

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